What We Do

Our Mission

Killy Cares is a registered, community-based charity established to draw on the care, compassion, generosity and expertise that exists within our community to support and assist others in times of special need and assistance.

Our Vision

We aim to become a highly respected, responsive and considerate organisation for the ongoing provision of care and support to members of our community in times of special need.

In keeping with our rich Australian heritage and sense of ‘mateship’, we value:


Residents of our local area working to protect and enhance a feeling of belonging.


Looking out for people or families in need of support in difficult times.


For others in ways they invite or welcome in times of personal crisis or need


A sense of coming together when people need it most. 

Capacity Building

Constantly improving ways in which we can continue to deliver care.

Our Aims

  • Providing ongoing meals or food for residents in special need of assistance.

  • Providing support for those facing difficult personal or family circumstances.

  • Providing practical assistance to the elderly or disabled in need of transport, shopping, house cleaning, maintenance or other essential services.

  • Increasing members, volunteers and our network across the Bouddi community.

  • Encouraging and engaging local residents to care for the welfare of those in our community. 

  • Raising funds to ensure that our community is cared for.

  • If required, provide support to other local not-for-profit organisations such as Pretty Beach School and the proposed Hardys Bay Men’s Shed.

Our Strategic Objectives

  1. To continually identify people within our community in particular need of our assistance.

  2. To encourage and engage members and volunteers willing to provide assistance.

  3. To provide ongoing effective governance, compliance and risk management.

  4. To ensure and maintain ongoing financial viability.