• Q: What should I do if I know someone who may need assistance from Killy Cares?

    A: You should contact the Volunteer Coordinator at killycares@gmail.com or contact one of our Killy Care team members directly. Phone numbers for the Killy Cares team can be found under Contact Us.

  • Q: What happens once a request for assistance is received?

    A: The Volunteer Coordinator will consult with the Killy Cares team to determine how best to provide the support or assistance requested. In some cases, this may be provided by Killy Cares volunteers while in others it may be appropriate to refer the request to another agency or organisation that is better equipped to provide assistance.

  • Q: How are requests for assistance prioritised and assessed?

    A: The request is first assessed to determine if the support is best provided by Killy Cares or some other organisation. If it is to be provided by Killy Cares then the request is considered, amongst other things, in light of available volunteer resources, the extent to which the situation may be dire or urgent, and whether alternative forms of assistance can be provided.

  • Q: What is the role of the Volunteer Coordinator?

    A: The Volunteer Coordinator role is to coordinate the overall delivery of services and support by volunteers as well as support Killy Cares volunteers in the delivery of volunteer support.

  • Q: Do people requesting assistance from Killy Cares have to pay for any support provided?

    A: No, all support provided by Killy Cares volunteers is free of charge.

  • Q: How is the privacy of people assisted by Killy Cares maintained?

    A: Killy Cares is bound by its own Privacy Policy and those of the Privacy Act. See Privacy Policy tab.

  • Q: How can I support Killy Cares?

    A: Support for Killy Cares can be in the form of volunteering your time, expertise, physical labour, donating items such as furniture or making a financial donation to Killy Cares. Or you can simply let us know if someone you know may need a helping hand.

  • Q: What safeguards are in place for volunteers?

    A: Killy Cares has adopted a risk management policy which seeks to protect the health, safety and welfare of its volunteers and its clients. A risk assessment is part of the normal assessment process undertaken when a request for assistance is received. Volunteers are covered by Killy Cares public liability insurance arrangements.

  • Q: Does Killy Cares assist people living outside the local community?

    A: Killy Cares was set up to provide care, support and assistance to members of the Bouddi community in times of special need.

  • Q: Are donations to Killy Cares tax deductible?

    A: At this stage, donations to Killy Cares are not tax deductible.

  • Q: Why do I have to pay to become a member of Killy Cares?

    A: The membership fee payable for joining Killy Cares is $50 plus an annual subscription of $10. The fees enable us to meet our financial commitments in relation to compliance, insurance, and marketing.

  • Q: Does Killy Cares provide financial support to people in need?

    A: The funds collected by Killy Cares through membership fees and fund-raising activities are used for administrative purposes (insurance, etc) and for providing volunteer services. Killy Cares may however assist in determining where funds might be obtained for the provision of equipment, etc for people in need.